Journalism and Media Support
The Seychelles Consulate can provide assistance to media interested in covering events, or answer questions about Seychelles from climate change to tourism.
Interview Requests
The Consul can help local and international press request interviews with Seychelles Government officials. We can also help you obtain official statements.
- Seychelles has been ranked #1 in Africa in overall governance for 2024 by the Mo Ibrahim Foundation. Seychelles moved up in ALL categories from the last rankings in 2014 – including Security and Rule of Law, Participation Rights & Inclusion, Foundations for Economic Opportunity and Human Development. This proves that once again, the state’s emphasis on the Blue Economy, sustainability and the furtherance of the Seychellois people is paying big dividends for Seychelles.
- Freedom House ranked Seychelles as a fully free nation in 2022. Our combined score on Freedom House’s Global Freedom Status Index is 79 out of 100, 3 points higher than in 2021.
- In Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index for 2024, Seychelles is now ranked the 17th least corrupt country in the world, moving up the rankings from 20th place in 2023. Consistently ranked the most honest and law abiding country in Africa, Seychelles now ranks between Bhutan and Japan as one of the most honest countries in the world.
- Reporters Without Borders have designated Seychelles as having the 13th most free press in the world. Last year Seychelles was 52nd, so we’ve moved up 39th places in the rankings. See the metrics used behind Reporters Without Borders rankings here.
News Outlets in Seychelles